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  • Cedar Island Films

Good Pitch! We are 1 of 5!

The Magnitude of All Things directed by Jennifer Abbott, our current production, is one of five documentaries supported by Good Pitch, a program which helps documentary films in the efforts to create positive social change.

Created by Doc Society in 2009, Good Pitch has been connecting the world's best social justice films with new allies and partners for over 12 years. The program has mentored hundreds of filmmakers, raised tens of millions of dollars, and empowered social justice impact campaigns in 15 different countries around the world. It landed in Canada last year to great success, produced by Story Money Impact (SMI).

The Good Pitch team is currently researching and contacting hundreds of high-level individuals and organizations - including politicians, academics, journalists, corporations, and more - that are doing notable work on those issues, to invite them to the March 3 event (invite -only) to make a specific pledge to one or more films. On that day, hundreds of partnerships will be made that are good for the films, good for the partners, and good for society.

The Magnitude of All Things directed by Jennifer Abbott and produced by Andrew Williamson and Hernik Meyer from Cedar Island Films, is a cinematic exploration of the emotional and psychological dimensions of climate change. This film weaves together two powerful stories of grief: the death of the filmmaker's sister and the tragic state of climate change, provoking viewers to find meaning - and meaningful action - in our troubled and changing world.

Our film will be presented among other powerful documentaries:

First We Eat directed by Suzanne Crocke

Love, the Last Chapter directed by Dominique Keller

Make Money Online: A Very Human Tech Doc directed by Shannon Walsh

Food for the Rest of Us directed by Tiffany Ayalik

This year’s five films come from three provinces and two territories. Additionally, all are directed by women. Good Pitch is not only getting behind great stories that matter, it is also supporting voices that are under-represented and need to be heard in today’s media landscape.

You can find out more about the program at

(This post is based on Story Money Impact newsletter from Jan 9th, 2020)


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